Monday, May 21, 2007

Refresh Your Goals by Starting Again

Earlier this year did you resolve to get something done, commit to continuing an old plan, or promise yourself to refocus on a personal or professional goal, but during the year found yourself drifting away from what you want to achieve?

It's okay. It happens to everyone. But there's a silver lining. Every day you awake, you're given a new chance to try again, to re-commit, to start over.

Just because successful people are only shown in a positive light doesn't mean they don't renew a plan or goal after a long hiatus.

This happens to me, too. It's been a while since I've updated my business mailing list to encourage individuals to return to my Web sites. It's also been four days since I've exercised. Both types of inactivity are quickly remedied, and I'll do so today.

First, I'll work on my mailing list. There are lots of people to add to it. I'll start with a small group and use a portion of each day to add more names. At the end of the week, I'll have a lot done. The same is true with exercising. I'm worth 30 minutes a day and plan to set aside that much time for me.

What do you wish to achieve, to start anew? Whatever it is, today's a wonderful day to re-commit to something that will make life easier, fulfill your goals, or make you happy. You're worth it.

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