Thursday, July 26, 2007

Most Tasks are Simple, Not Difficult

One question that I'm frequently asked by individuals starting businesses is, "How do I register my business?" Most people believe the process is complex when it fact it's very easy.

This morning I traveled to my county clerk's office. That's the place, no matter where you live in the U.S., where business registration forms are kept. The clerk's assistant asked me to write the business name on paper. She researched the name to make sure it's not being used by another party. Then she asked me to complete a one-page form. That took me two minutes.

The assistant checked the form, notarized it, accepted my payment, and gave me the paperwork that shows the newly-registered business name. It was a quick, easy, and painless process.

I believe that we make things difficult in our minds before we begin the process. However, if you have a "piece of cake" attitude, you'll find that most tasks are simple to accomplish.

That's the type of thinking that gives you more time to enjoy life. I'm all for that.